cougar ou non? 30/11/2019
bonjour ou bonsoir, <br><br>
avez vous déja rencontré des femmes matures via dmec.com?
comment c'est déroulé l'expérience? avez vous des conseils pour approcher des femmes matures?
0 Commentaires, 0 Consultations,
0 Votes
Membre standard 16/8/2019
Il est difficile pour nous membre standard de communiquer
avec les autres membres, avant on avait 3 communications
par jours, aujourdh'ui (0) et en plus ça coûte 10
points et la plus part du temps on n'a pas de réponse
et on perds le 10 points. <br><br>
Pourtant je crois qu'on est apprécié par les membres
or beaucoup regardes nos cams, et nous de notre côté ...
1 Commentaires, 5 Consultations,
2 Votes
,1.73 Score |
10 pts pour 1 message 26/7/2019
Est-ce que si on se crée des profils de meufs, on peut parler
sans payer 10 points par message ?
4 Commentaires, 11 Consultations,
3 Votes
que pensez vous de l'IM 23/6/2018
pour ma part, la messagerie de ce site est tout le temps déficiente,
je ne peux comprendre une telle lacune sur un si gros site.
0 Commentaires, 3 Consultations,
2 Votes
,3.12 Score |
Why to be ashamed? 20/6/2018
Seriously I don't understand the society code that
would make us feel bad about watching porn. I had sexual
desire, I don't have girl friend and the imagination
it's a good think but it had limit so why I'm suppose
to feel bad because? I satisfy my sexual needs by watching
people who are paid to fuck and share that, where is the problem?
Porn is not reality, I understand but if I ...
0 Commentaires, 4 Consultations,
1 Votes
,2.40 Score |
Rencontres 26/4/2018
Depuis que je suis plus actif sur le site, j'ai des contacts
et des conversations assez facilement avec des femmes
de tous ages. Pourtant je n'ai pas fait beaucoup de
rencontres. Peut être parce que je ne suis pas dans une
grande ville ? même si je suis mobile. Et vous ?
1 Commentaires, 7 Consultations,
1 Votes
,3.70 Score |
Avoir un trop gross penis. 1fille sur 10. N'a pas mal lors de relation sexuel 16/11/2017
Cela affecte ma vie sexuel en plus de sa je suis infoman elle
est toujours duré ces encombrant j ai besoin de 1 ou 2 demoiselle
capable de prendre d énorme queue laisser moi savoir Multiple
orgasme promis hésiter pas svp en plus je suis celiba
0 Commentaires, 5 Consultations,
2 Votes
,1.04 Score |
candaulisme 18/7/2017
y t il des couples de plus de 40 ans candauliste? aime t il
les hommes plus jeunes respectueux et tres cokin?
1 Commentaires, 6 Consultations,
5 Votes
,4.45 Score |
une femme curieuse lol 26/6/2017
je suis une femme curieuse, j'aimerais savoir qu'est-ce
que vos aves envie dans ce moment??
4 Commentaires, 18 Consultations,
6 Votes
,3.65 Score |
recherche plan à 3 9/2/2017
Pouvez-vous me dire comment trouver 2 femmes bi sur montpellier
0 Commentaires, 7 Consultations,
2 Votes
,2.42 Score |
hi bb 24/9/2016
what kinds dick you favorite??
0 Commentaires, 64 Consultations,
0 Votes
Le non respect des femmes 18/2/2016
134 : Le nombre de femmes mortes sous les coups d’un conjoint
en 2014. Parmi ces victimes, 118 ont été tuées par leur
partenaire officiel (époux, concubins, pacsés) et
16 par leur conjoint dit « épisodique » (amants, petits
amis). Ce chiffre est en légère hausse, puisqu’en
2013, 129 femmes étaient mortes sous les coups.
223 000 Le nombre de femmes de 18 à 75 ans qui ...
4 Commentaires, 31 Consultations,
7 Votes
,3.30 Score |
désolé juste pour les points ^^ 9/8/2015
désolé juste pour les points ^^
1 Commentaires, 8 Consultations,
2 Votes
,5.20 Score |
désolé juste pour les points ^^ 9/8/2015
désolé juste pour les points ^^
1 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
4 Votes
,2.86 Score |
fantasme 14/4/2015
Le propre du fantasme est sa virtualité..chercher à
le réaliser c'est la garantie de ruiner la fascination
qu'il exerce sur notre imaginaire..qu'en pensez-vous?
0 Commentaires, 7 Consultations,
3 Votes
L'âge de rencontre 23/2/2015
Bonjour, je me demandais si c'est parce que je suis
trop jeune ou c'est au niveau des recherches des membres
qui font que ça fait quasiment un an que jai un abonnement
et je n'ai pas encore rencontré quelqu'un, pourtant
j'ai parlé avec plusieurs et plus souvent qu'autrement
la réponse finale était que j'étais trop jeune
et ou je n'ai eu aucune réponse. Je n'envoie pas
de message ...
2 Commentaires, 19 Consultations,
4 Votes
,4.41 Score |
Rencontres 19/1/2015
Est-ce que les membres or rencontres vraiment plus que
les membres standard parceque pour l'instant pour
baiser.... faut en passer du temps sur la MI.... et ca demande
bcp d'effort alors est-ce vraiment garanti que vous
baiserez en or?
2 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
2 Votes
,1.73 Score |
les rapports anals 18/9/2014
les rapports anals provoqueraient des incontinances
dans la viellesse, incapacités à se retenir d'ou
lé necessité de porter les couches?
1 Commentaires, 15 Consultations,
4 Votes
,3.63 Score |
pourquoi???? 19/7/2014
c'est quoi ce site de merde qui me passe or pendant trois
mois, et qui annule tout? peux plus chambrer les connards, demander
des epousailles
1 Commentaires, 16 Consultations,
2 Votes
,1.73 Score |
R-E-S-P-E-C-T 24/1/2011
I recently read an article on dmec.com about respect for women,
or lack there of. I am forced to ask this question:
Are women entitled to respect because of their gender?
I would say, "absolutely not." STOP! That doesn't
mean I don't respect women, but I do not assign additional
respect to them just because they are female.
Women hold sexual control in today's society, so ...
0 Commentaires, 8 Consultations,
1 Votes
,2.40 Score |
racial profiling.... 31/7/2010
A plane leaves Los Angeles airport under the control of
a Jewish captain.
His copilot is Chinese. It's the first time they've
flown together, and an awkward silence between the two
seems to indicate a mutual dislike.
Once they reach cruising altitude, the Jewish captain
activates the auto-pilot, leans back in his seat, and mutters,
'I don't like Chinese.'
0 Commentaires, 4 Consultations,
2 Votes
,3.81 Score |
coucou 8/4/2010
comment font les femmes ?
6 Commentaires, 89 Consultations,
10 Votes
Merci 1/10/2009
Merci pour les commentaires, ou les alphapages et messages
que vous me laissé mais je peux pas m'en passé de me
caresser devant la cam. 1 besoin de vous montrer le plaisir que j éprouve en me masturbant
devant vous et qui me donne à chaque fois une satisfaction
énorme et 1 soulagement aussi. Ne croyez pas que je n'aime pas les hommes bien au contraire,
le site ais fait pour sa, et ...
7 Commentaires, 168 Consultations,
18 Votes
,3.81 Score |
Age 1ère relation 3/8/2009
A quel age avez-vous eu votre première relation hot, hot
? C'était bien ?
8 Commentaires, 71 Consultations,
6 Votes
,3.08 Score |
Si l'amour n'a aucune limite , est-ce que la connerie humaine a des limites ? 21/6/2009
A chaque fois que je me dis : "ça y est on atteint la consécration
de la connerie humaine!" eh ben peu de temps après
il y a toujours un événement qui me démontre le contraire.
Je pense que chercher le summum de la bêtise c'est comme
se demander quelles sont les limites de la cruauté humaine.
Par contre aimons sans limites, enfin non je me corrige:
aimons en ayant pour seule ...
1 Commentaires, 34 Consultations,
4 Votes
,1.69 Score |
Peut-on " pogner " avec moins de 8 pouces? (20cm) 5/6/2009
J'vois pleins de gars avec des " amanchure "
grosse comme des troncs d'arbres. Vous faite bien
dla montrer...Si j'en aurais une comme ça j'ferais
sans doute pareil.
Mais nous les " normaux " ??...les " dans
la moyenne " ? ..les " branches ( dans le sens
de branches d'arbre )" ?
Quels espoirs avons nous sur ce site? Les femmes en ont-elles
que pour les " troncs d'arbre " ? ...
8 Commentaires, 203 Consultations,
7 Votes
,5.08 Score |
debat pour tous et toutes 14/5/2009
dites moi pourquoi la plus part du temps , les hommes me
le confirmeront et cela doit etre pareil pour les femmes
a l'inverse, on tombe presque toujours sur quelqu'un
d'oral mais pas anal , anal mais pas les seins, les
seins oui mais pas facial, bref y a t'il (j'en
ai rencontrer que deux ds ma vie)des femmes qui font tout
comme moi en alternance biensur, pas tout d'un coup..heu
koikeu??enfin ...
8 Commentaires, 73 Consultations,
6 Votes
,2.23 Score |
prix abonnement ! 31/1/2009
le prix de l'abonnement est plutot réde ! sauf si tu
prend une longue durée ! plus de geste commercial serait
sympa ! et des points plus facile a gagner !
2 Commentaires, 45 Consultations,
4 Votes
,0.92 Score |
ET VOUS, VOUS ÊTES PLUTÔT...????? 28/1/2009
Fromage OU dessert? Tanguy OU Laverdure? OU chat? Endive OU jambon? Pile OU face? Rimbaud OU Verlaine? Pour OU contre? O.M. OU P.S.G? (ah non, là, c'est pareil; aussi cons
dans les deux cas!!!)
0 Commentaires, 41 Consultations,
7 Votes
,2.02 Score |
Sodomie 20/11/2008
Je ne connais pas plus excitant que de se présneter à l'entrée
d'un anus. Le petit trou est vibrant en chaud, il est
humide si vous avez fait ce qu'il falait et presser
doucement son sexe à l'entrée..sentir les parois
se détendre puis céder, voir son penis disparaitre en même
temps que les ralements de sa partenaire se font plus fort...se
retirer doucement puis revenir de plus bel afin ...
2 Commentaires, 125 Consultations,
10 Votes
,1.39 Score |
plutôt SEX hard ou tendre? 25/10/2008
beaucoup de choses influe sur le déroulement de l'acte,
argumentez et dites moi votre point de vue personnel
merci moi personnelement je fais les deux : tendre et sauvage,
jaime prendre violement mais jaime aussi etre plus doux
et plus sensuel. même si sa ne va pas très bien ensemble j'aime
bcp mes deux visages ^^
0 Commentaires, 12 Consultations,
3 Votes
,0.98 Score |
Une lesbienne peut-elle être tentée par un homme? 23/7/2008
Je me pose cette question depuis quelque temps. Elle ne
concerne évidemment pas les femmes bisexuelles qui y ont
de facto répondu.
Non je me demande plutôt si une femme qui n'a pas connu
d'hommes aurait ce genre de curiosité ou si au contraire
son parti pris est tel que cela relève de l'inconcevable.
2 Commentaires, 68 Consultations,
4 Votes
Adultére 21/7/2008
le debat est simple et se résume en une question : pourquoi
tant d'adultére de nos jours ?
5 Commentaires, 73 Consultations,
5 Votes
trouver la femme , le couple , les échangistes après 50 ans 24/6/2008
Bonjour a tous je suis sur le site depuis près de 2 mois et semble t'il qu'il est difficile de faire des
rencontres lorsque l'on a plus de 50 ans. Je n'ai pas de photo de face car évidement je ne souhaite pas etre reconnu par certaines personnes.
J, ai décrit ce que j'aime et je proprose aussi d, envoyer des photos par email a ceux qui sont intéressées. J'ai besoin de conseils sur l'approche ...
0 Commentaires, 18 Consultations,
1 Votes
fantasme 10/5/2008
bonjour, Le fantasme de beaucoup d'hommes est de
faire l'amour avec 2 femmes (ce qui ne me dérange pas).
Mais voilà, quand une femme demande à son compagnon de faire
l'amour avec un homme "supplémentaire",
5 Commentaires, 68 Consultations,
6 Votes
,1.09 Score |
Kindergarten oder Lobotomiepatienten - Sind online ûberhaupt noch interessante Begegnungen möglich? 7/2/2008
Anfang bis Mitte der Neunziger Jahre (8086-er bis 486-er
Zeiten) existierte das Internet in der heutigen Form noch
nicht, Computer waren weitestgehend unbekannt und wenn
man "online" Leute begegnete, so war dies meist
ein "elit鋜er" Kreis von Technikfreaks, die
sich so mit gleichgesinnten trafen, da sie sonst kaum Kontakt
mit ihrem Umfeld hatten, weil ihre Denkweise dort nicht
mal ansatzweise ...
1 Commentaires, 71 Consultations,
3 Votes
,2.94 Score |
Limoges 31/1/2008
Toujours aucune rencontre sur Limoges meme....est ce
une ville morte?? lol Si des jolies filles de limoges lise ceci, combien sont
pretes a me rencontrer??
5 Commentaires, 122 Consultations,
9 Votes
,1.29 Score |
lechangisme 28/1/2008
que pensez vous de l'echangisme?est ce une pratqie
qui vous tente?vous ne comprenez pas cette pratique?quels
plaisirs en tirez vous?racontez vos experiences bonnes
ou mauvaises
3 Commentaires, 55 Consultations,
6 Votes
,0.23 Score |
melangisme 27/1/2008
le melangisme est il une etape vers l'echangisme?ou
bien ya t il vraiment des personnes adeptes uniquement
du melangisme.faites partagez vos experiences et vos
0 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
3 Votes
probleme d'emails.... 23/1/2008
Bonjour à toutes et à tous...petit nouveau ici depuis environ
une dizaine de jours, membre standart et déjà quelques
contacts c'est encourageant...mais il y a un hic....Aujourd'hui
j'ai un ptit problème je viens de recevoir mon premier
mail et je n'arrive pas à l'ouvrir ! Faut t'il
être absolument or ou argent pour pouvoir ouvrir les mails
que les membres nous envoient ?!? Merci d'avance ...
3 Commentaires, 50 Consultations,
6 Votes
,1.94 Score |
Quelle préférence? 18/1/2008
Vous etes plutot du matin ou du soir?? ou tout simplement
de tous les moments?
8 Commentaires, 145 Consultations,
13 Votes
,2.14 Score |
Dans un reportage sur le tentrisme ils disaient :
L'ideal est de stimuler ce qu'on appelle les trois
points Pendant l'acte :
Donc pour visualiser le truc
On embrasse la femme avec une main sur le sein et l'autre
sur le Clito Tout en la penetrant ...
C'est pas Hyper Pratique avec les 3 en Même temps, et
j'avoue que pendant la ...
1 Commentaires, 38 Consultations,
3 Votes
Juste une petite Histoirette :
Je rencontre une femme via le net ... On se voit ... Une fois chez moi elle me dit désolé ...je sais je suis un
peu timide ....
On le fais une fois Sans specialement abuser ...
à la deuxieme ...
Elle me dit :
Tu veux pas me sodomiser ???? j'adore ça j'ai pas osé te le dire ...
0 Commentaires, 39 Consultations,
3 Votes
,2.45 Score |
POINT G & POSITIONS 22/11/2007
y a t'il des positions qui stimulent diretement le
point g pendant une penetration ??
Les Hommes qui ont des sex "recourbés" stimulent
t ils plus le point G que les autres ????
Une levrette avec le mec quasiment debout et au dessus stimule
t elle le Point G ??
0 Commentaires, 19 Consultations,
0 Votes
Sommes nous une generation virtuelle ? 25/8/2007
Bonjour a toutes et tous,
Les sites de rencontres sont ils devenu plus populaire
que les boites, bals et autres soirées pour dialoguer et
parler sexe plus librement ? c est la question du jour que
je me pose depuis un certain temps... Merci d'avance
pour vos opinions...
Leopol 53
3 Commentaires, 41 Consultations,
4 Votes
,4.02 Score |
"Débat" ou seulement "Des Bas" 11/6/2007
Bonjour les adultfriendfindeuses (eurs) !
Comme tous nouveaux venus (enfin je suppose… !), j’ai navigué
un peu partout sur le site en fonction des possibilités
qu’offre la qualité de « Membre Standard ».
En guise de constatation, une petite touche d’humour…
Au restaurant, un examine avec soin la carte et le
menu. Il finit par ...
4 Commentaires, 88 Consultations,
7 Votes
,3.30 Score |
Qu'en pensez vous ? 15/5/2007
"Libre toujours, je veux pouvoir voltiger de joie
en joie, je veux que ma vie s'écoule par les sentiers
du plaisir. Folie! Jouir!" (N. Avril)
après avoir lu ce texte, je me suis dis qu'il correspondait
très bien à ce que nous recherchons tous ici(ou du moins
la plupart d'entre nous)
qu'en pensez vous?
bises à tous
17 Commentaires, 193 Consultations,
13 Votes
,4.99 Score |
Peut-on avoir un rendez-vous sans etre abonné!? 8/5/2007
C'est toujours la question que je me pose!? Peut-on avoir un rendez-vous sans avoir d'abonnement
dans un site de rencontre!? en tous cas pour tout info, si vous avez, faite moi signe....
8 Commentaires, 192 Consultations,
8 Votes
,2.09 Score |
Du Plaisir!! 29/4/2007
Êtes-vous comme moi? Je les aimes toutes, elles ont toute
un petit je ne sais koi..... Ronde, mince, veille, jeune, maigrichonnes, cochonne,
coquinne, timide, introvertie, extravertie...
2 Commentaires, 36 Consultations,
6 Votes
,0.80 Score |
oseriez vous ? 4/4/2007
aimeriez vous avoir une relation avec votre voisin/voisine
? et si oui oseriez vous ?
3 Commentaires, 121 Consultations,
12 Votes
,2.09 Score |
Avaler le sperme ou pas???? 9/1/2007
C'est pas une question de taboo mon gars, c'est
une question de vie!! Toi, tu jourait avec ta santé a la roulette
russe avec aucune arrière pensées??
2 Commentaires, 111 Consultations,
13 Votes
,1.80 Score |
19 ans Envi de faire l'amour à des femmes Mûres 29/12/2006
Ben depuis quelques année mon attirance pour les jeunes
filles de mon àge s'est complètement envolé o profit
d'une forte attirance pour les femmes Mature~~(37
- 57 ans)
Il y à les clichés , fantasme sur:
le professeur
la mère d'un ami
la voisine
Mais je n'ai jamais franchi le cap !
Chaques fois ou je rencontre une femmes ou la croises..
A force de réflexion ...
11 Commentaires, 272 Consultations,
12 Votes
,4.74 Score |
Sex & Voyeurisme ... 19/11/2006
Si on est tous là ...
c'est qu'on aime voir et être ( ou pas ) vus ...
Les "psy" ont dit que le voyeurisme et l'
exibitionisme étaient hyper liés
Moi je suis + Voyeur Qu' Exib' Les Femmes svt très
Exib ...
Et vous ?? ;o)
1 Commentaires, 31 Consultations,
0 Votes
Libido & Signe Astrologique 19/11/2006
j'ai remarqué que certains signes
( ou combinaisons signes + ascend.)
sont plus sexuels que d'autres ...
les signes & ascendants
du scorpion, du lion, du cancer, sont assez sexuels ( d'après
mon experience )
je sais l'astrologie n'explique pas tout bien
sûr ...
mais ça m'interresse qd même d'avoir votre avis
>> Précisez signe & ascendant sinon ça ...
0 Commentaires, 19 Consultations,
0 Votes
Le 1er rendez-vous 16/11/2006
Comment c'est passé pour vous votre 1er rendez-vous
obtenu grace a dmec.com?????
0 Commentaires, 78 Consultations,
2 Votes
,1.04 Score |
sur la chatte. 13/11/2006
Pourquoi les femmes rasent les poils
Les hommes preferents avec ou sans poils?
1 Commentaires, 54 Consultations,
1 Votes
Réflexion 9/10/2006
Ce qu’il y a de terrible chez nous, humains, c’est que nous
ne pouvons être que d’un seul sexe et que nous ne pouvons
que fabuler les plaisirs et les désirs de l’autre sexe.
C’est pour ça que les hommes et les femmes ne se comprennent
(Françoise Dolto)
1 Commentaires, 25 Consultations,
3 Votes
,3.92 Score |
La jalousie 17/9/2006
La jalousie ( sources : Marie-Pier Elie Qc Science )
L`évolution aurait sculpté le cerveau mâle pour qu`il
réagisse aux infidélités sexuelles; le cerveau femelle,
quant à lui, verdit plutôt de jalousie en réponse aux infidélités
émotionnelles.La jalousie, comme toutes les autres émotions,
devient pathologique lorsqu`elle est suscitée par une
menace purement ...
1 Commentaires, 29 Consultations,
2 Votes
,3.81 Score |
Changement de la femme 14/9/2006
Pourquoi les femmes vers 40 ans n'on plus le gout du
sexe pour une periode de 6 a 24 mois?...
0 Commentaires, 46 Consultations,
3 Votes
,3.43 Score |
je n'en peu plus 28/8/2006
je passe ma journee a ecrire, mobilisant la modeste panoplie
de mes competences. dans l'ultime espoir que quelqu'un
repondra a un de mes articles. tout est dans l'ether
de la toile. qui me remarquera, toi peut-etre???
3 Commentaires, 59 Consultations,
4 Votes
,2.47 Score |
cybersex et sex via cam 2/8/2006
que penser vous du cyber sex, pas le sex en recherchant divers
sites pornographiques ou l'on trouve des photo et
vidéos de gout plus ou moins bon voire totalement choquant,
mais du sexe cam interposée, forme de voyeurisme/exibitionisme
via le web.
s'agit t'il d'une forme d'infidélité?
son exention est-elle le reflet de phantasmes cachés (voyeurisme/exibitionisme, ....)
et non avoués ...
3 Commentaires, 84 Consultations,
9 Votes
,3.64 Score |
points adultfriend 1/8/2006
Adultfriend récompense les membres actifs comme vous
le savez peut-être, mais ne pensez vous pas qu'une
récompense devrait aussi être attribuée a un membre en
fonction de sa réelle activité sur le tchat.
Je m'explique nous avons une cam et avons des relations
sexuelles explicite avec pour conséquence une consultation
de notre profil importante (60 les dernières 24h) et hier
420 ...
1 Commentaires, 42 Consultations,
10 Votes
,4.78 Score |
piment dans le couple 1/8/2006
Bonjour nous sommes un couple fidèle avec et notre
sexualité nous satisfait, par hasard, il y a quelques
jours, nous avons découvert ce site, puis timidement nous
avons échangés des commentaires dans le tchat, puis maté,
puis en quelques jours nous nous sommes lancés (achat d'une
cam et d'un micro) sur le tchat nous avons fait l'amour,
le fait d'être vu par d'autre est très ...
0 Commentaires, 38 Consultations,
5 Votes
,5.10 Score |
prete de temps 6/7/2006
la majoriter des profiles interessent sont du marketing
pour d'autres site de rencontres!!
1 Commentaires, 31 Consultations,
0 Votes
la photo parfaite 6/7/2006
Quelle est selon vous la photo parfaite à mettre dans un
profil, faut-il choisir de montrer son visage, une partie
du corps, le corps entier, mettre en valeur ses atouts
ou d'aller droit au but en montrant son sexe (masculin
ou feminin)?
3 Commentaires, 77 Consultations,
1 Votes
,2.40 Score |
mesdames ! quels sont pour vous les secrets du cunni parfait ? 24/6/2006
En effet nous savons qu'une grande partie des femmes
raffolent de cette pratique ( moi aussi d'ailleurs
) et semble prendre du plaisir. mais qu'est-ce que
nous les hommmes devrions nous faire pour que ce soit vraiment
le nirvana pour votre plus grand plaisir ?
par exemple moi j'aime masser du bout des doigts les
levres et le clito avant de m'y attaquer avec la langue
puis accompagné de ...
0 Commentaires, 108 Consultations,
2 Votes
,2.42 Score |
le systeme de points... 12/6/2006
Je souhaite en savoir un peu plus sur le systeme de points
qui permettent de gagner des abonnements or et argent en
evitant de devoir sortir son numero de carte visa comme
sur d'autre site de rencontres.
D'abord le principe est simple participer a la vie
du site en donnant des réponses, des notes aux articles.....
ok d'une manière limité et en s'incrivant a d'autres
sites ...
0 Commentaires, 21 Consultations,
1 Votes
,2.40 Score |
sortir des clichés 13/5/2006
Au vu de mes expériences sexuelles passées, j'ai le
sentiments que les ébats amoureux se réduisent trop souvent
à un scéma types du genre: 1 bécotage et caresse, 2 fellation,
3 kuni (ou inversement de 2 et 3), 4 première position, 5
seconde position, 6 trisième position etc... et éventuellement
fellation pour finir.
Ce qui me gène c'est que pour moi le sexe devrait être ...
0 Commentaires, 47 Consultations,
1 Votes
,2.40 Score |
oui ou non! 7/5/2006
Devrait-on l間aliser la ???
0 Commentaires, 16 Consultations,
2 Votes
Webcam Controversy 1/5/2006
First post in this one day wonderful blog. For today, I'm
wondering on the concept of Irony, more specifically the
concept of what I'vegot myself to call "THE WEBCAM
It's of common knowledge that we, teenage boys, are
perverted persons, our minds thinking about sex 99% of
the time, the other 1% being when we're actually having
sex, trying to make it last. But I ...
0 Commentaires, 28 Consultations,
1 Votes
,2.40 Score |
En réponse à une personne bien pensante que j’ai croiser dans la rue. 27/4/2006
En réponse à une personne bien pensante que j’ai croiser
dans la rue. Voici le discours je lui est tenue.
Tu sais cela fait des années que je fais parti d’une association
humanitaire, qui lutte contre la misère.
Son adresse. agir.ensemble.site.voila.fr
Mon rêve serait que mon association n’est plus besoin d’être. ...
0 Commentaires, 61 Consultations,
1 Votes
,5.00 Score |
les femmes non satisfaite! 13/2/2006
suite a beaucoup de sondage et d'expérience personnelle
avec la gente féminine je me suis apperçu que les femmes
en général ne sont pas satisfaite ou croit qu'elle
le sont n'ont connu que des ringart, macho, qui ne pense
qu'a eux et ne sont pas a l'écoute des besoins de
leurs partenaires. A 95% c'était le cas lors des sondage
que j'ai fait.
dites moi ...
0 Commentaires, 87 Consultations,
6 Votes
,2.23 Score |
Beautés asiatiques...liberté américaine 14/1/2006
Faire l'amour avec une japonaise, une chinoise, c'est
formidable, on baise naturel, rien n'est interdit
en soi, il n'y as de notion de bien ou de mal, c'est
ce que j'ai vécu avec mon amie japonaise en France et
mon amie chinoise à Shanghai...Japan, China are great!
les américaines sont libérées, celles qu'on voit
sur le site, elles font du porno et c'est très bien,
elles montrent ...
1 Commentaires, 103 Consultations,
6 Votes
,3.65 Score |
imail 31/12/2005
esque ces normalsi je ne recois pas beaucoup imail?
0 Commentaires, 90 Consultations,
3 Votes
,2.94 Score |
Vrai ou faux ??? 8/12/2005
le restriction de dmec.com.com, n’empêche
pas le membre standard de contacter les autre, il suffirai
d’avoir un alias égal à celui qui on utilise
il y a plus d’homme que des femmes, qui sont active.
il est plus facile de se faire contacté par un homme que
par une femme, même si on est hétéro’
Vrai ...
1 Commentaires, 83 Consultations,
9 Votes
,2.57 Score |
Le son SVP 2/11/2005
Ya plus jamais de son sur les cams ?
0 Commentaires, 25 Consultations,
2 Votes
,1.73 Score |
message aux escortes 4/9/2005
Ce qu'on retrouve ici ce sont des gens qui aime le sexe.
Vous vous aimez l'argent....vous n'êtes donc
pas a la bonne place.
merci de votre comprehension
1 Commentaires, 82 Consultations,
10 Votes
,5.38 Score |
Hommes qui se rase le bas 7/8/2005
Salut à toutes et à tous.
Je voudrais avoir l'opinion des femmes sur les hommes
qui se rase le bas et les commentaires des hommes qui l'on
9 Commentaires, 518 Consultations,
9 Votes
,4.49 Score |
Objet de désir 24/5/2005
J'aimerai recueillir les commentaires de femmes
qui ont utilisé un développeur de vulve.
0 Commentaires, 102 Consultations,
2 Votes
Et le Tantra dans tous ça ? 5/4/2005
Sur un site nettement orienté pratiques sexuelles pas
un mot sur le Trantra ou l'approche Taoiste du sexe!
Alors allons-y ...
Le sexe pour le sexe, c'est physiquement nécessaire
voire hygiénique (clin d'oeil à un certain film culte
en N&. Mais le sexe plus de l'énergétique là
ça commence à dépoter. C'est comme le sexe avec des
émotions c'est tout de même sympa non? ...
0 Commentaires, 69 Consultations,
4 Votes
,2.08 Score |
Pilosité, pour ou contre... 13/3/2005
Nous arrivons à une époque où la pilosité devient taboue...
Est-ce pour vous un critère important ! Un homme épilé est-il
selon vous plus propre ? Que faire dans le cas où notre pilosité
est vraiment trop importante ?
Personnellement, je me suis déja épilé pendant un mois
et ca a donné de pires résultats que ceux dont j'éspérais...
boutons, ...
2 Commentaires, 180 Consultations,
5 Votes
,2.82 Score |
Question que je me pose souvent! 14/2/2005
Alors voici une question que me tourne souvent dans l'esprit:
Les femmes, aime-t'elle mieux les hommes circoncis
ou non???
2 Commentaires, 190 Consultations,
3 Votes
,1.96 Score |
merci a tt les demoiselles 24/12/2004
je me permet d'ecrire ce messages pour pousser un ptit
coup de geule sur la frequentation de se site .
La majorités des visiteurs et visiteuse son la plus part
du temps que des personne qui s'amuse a agicher , a chauffer
, mais alors quand on parle de rencontre physique là il y
en a beaucoup moin ...
Moi je recherche des vrai rencontres alors merci a tous
ceux qui se foute de la gueule ...
5 Commentaires, 281 Consultations,
14 Votes
,2.34 Score |
forets vierge ou peau de peche?? 6/12/2004
je serais assez interressee de connaitre l opignon des
hommes sur le fait qu une femme soit integralement rasee
ou non???
22 Commentaires, 1037 Consultations,
71 Votes
,7.75 Score |
Seems the money is the main interest here! 9/8/2024
Just got to love this "new and wonderful" revamp
of a poor site to begin with. Even though you receive a message
from a "gold member" the "new" policy
now seems to be. That unless you are a "paying"
member you can no longer even answer them. And from the looks
of the photo line up and other indications this site is loosing
more every month. At one time they ...
0 Commentaires, 0 Consultations,
0 Votes
cam icon 21/8/2023
it is absolutely ridiculous that the cam icon is gone now
for 3 days wtf!! my cam is on and its not even showing on the
livewebcam page fix it!!!!
0 Commentaires, 0 Consultations,
0 Votes
This site is a real waste! 24/3/2023
Supposedly you can "chat" at the cost of 17 points!
Don't believe it! Wasted points 5 times and never even
seen where my messaged been posted! This site started being
a RIP OFF some time ago and it's only getting worse!
There are other much better sites to communicate on.
0 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
0 Votes
Ughhh hate fakes 8/7/2021
Soooo who is tired Of all the Catfish people that are out
there? I don’t believe this site should allow it and who
is with me agreeing that everyone should have a profile
pic on here.... not that every time you go live over
and over again so you can’t hardly make any and
it sucks give us some feedback please Peace from the Real
1 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
1 Votes
,2.40 Score |
Fake account 21/3/2021
I think its so funny u will see one saying they a based
in brissy or sydney etc then the same person different pic
maybe but u can totally tell its the same person an say they
are in melbourne or something like that or the people in
the usa or different country but try to pass off they are
in australia its so easy to make a fake find it so
1 Commentaires, 12 Consultations,
0 Votes
Kiik 9/2/2021
Does anyone still use it? If not is there another alternative?
0 Commentaires, 21 Consultations,
0 Votes
These usernames and profiles crack me up 31/12/2020
I look at these women profiles names like "intocockworship"
or "cuminmymouth" along with others. Then
read profile how they are all about having sex or meeting
for a hookup until you contact them. Then they never follow
through. Where once i used to get excited about all these
potential hookups, now i chuckle and shake my head since
pretty sure most are fake. lol
5 Commentaires, 41 Consultations,
0 Votes
M dmec.com Review 2/12/2020
This site has too many scammers and the points System is
garbage. I had to write this article to supposedly activate
the Daily Log in bonus and you only get points for posting
comments, replying to first emails, and liking phots if
you log into the web version through Google Chrome or Mozilla,
and preferably on a laptop. And just for asking about this
I managed to make customer service hang up ...
1 Commentaires, 8 Consultations,
0 Votes
Points gone? 25/11/2020
K i hotlisted 2 people in order to grab their attention...it
said each was 50 points...so i spent 100 points...i had
397 points ...i did that now i have no points? WTH? 397-100
= 297 last time i checked? on here i guess 397-100=0? WTF?
Now i don't even have points to chat on IM anymore IF
they reply....is this normal?
3 Commentaires, 29 Consultations,
3 Votes
,4.90 Score |
My New Favorite Place! 19/9/2020
Boredom during Quarantine has made an explorer of us all.
Here I am looking through dmec.com to escape the onslaught of
dick pics to find more like minded people, AND HERE YOU ARE!
I feel my blogs get a little overbearing on the bull shit
that this site brings on. But then I find this part of this
site, and a whole new world of writing has just opened up
for .
6 Commentaires, 53 Consultations,
4 Votes
,4.41 Score |
Manage to cut off everything in an attempt to get you to join! Laughable!!!!!!!!!!! 3/9/2020
Let my expensive membership expire because of nothing
ever working as it should. Couldn't broadcast! Couldn't
read messages! Did have access to the magazine . But now
thats even gone! Funny! Can't read stories, but can
write complaint! But that may not ever see the light the
way the brown shirts operate this MONEY GRUBBER! Really
piss poor service for MONEY spent. So if you have any ...
9 Commentaires, 61 Consultations,
2 Votes
,3.12 Score |
Complaints 3/9/2020
As per usual the trolls that edit this site won't let
you call them on their short comings. I wrote a rant last
week but it doesn't show up here. So people understand
that they are censoring what you write and this rant won't
show up either.
1 Commentaires, 22 Consultations,
4 Votes
,4.02 Score |
Now they can't read profiles.It's better than don't! 1/9/2020
So was it the blatant arrogance, the penchant for intimidation or just the lack of responses that quashed the free gold program?
0 Commentaires, 22 Consultations,
0 Votes
Sharing you’re wife 16/8/2020
As I have written I share my wife with another guy who is her
boyfriend. The three of us live together. We have not kept
this a secret and we are not scared to walk down the street
together and we usually walk hand in hand with her in the
middle. I’m 49 she is 63 and her BFF is 41, I appreciate
this may seem an usual relationship to most but all three
of us are happy with it, but when we are ...
2 Commentaires, 47 Consultations,
3 Votes
,2.94 Score |
Sharing you’re wife 16/8/2020
As I have written I share my wife with another guy who is her
boyfriend. The three of us live together. We have not kept
this a secret and we are not scared to walk down the street
together and we usually walk hand in hand with her in the
middle. I’m 49 she is 63 and her BFF is 41, I appreciate
this may seem an usual relationship to most but all three
of us are happy with it, but when we are ...
1 Commentaires, 20 Consultations,
0 Votes
Why 30/7/2020
is the point system so jacked up now?
0 Commentaires, 0 Consultations,
0 Votes
End of my membership! "if you could have called it that" 18/7/2020
As of a week ago I let my "supposed membership"
expire! I had paid for a full membership but that isn't
what I got! The Im was always screwed up very seldom worked
worth a crap! I could never broadcast at any time every once
in a great while I could manage a simple flirt. There once
was a time that this site was decent. But then some "whiz
kid" started to change things and ...
3 Commentaires, 34 Consultations,
1 Votes
,5.00 Score |
The New IM 17/7/2020
Does anyone else think it's complete trash as well
2 Commentaires, 9 Consultations,
0 Votes
IM 16/7/2020
Is it just or is the new version of IM even worse than the
previous version?
2 Commentaires, 6 Consultations,
1 Votes
,2.40 Score |
This Pandemic 27/6/2020
is messing shit up for everyone
0 Commentaires, 0 Consultations,
0 Votes
Is it just me 22/6/2020
or do you think these people with no pics and ones "looking
for a relationship" are dumb lol
3 Commentaires, 15 Consultations,
1 Votes
,2.40 Score |
the Faggot exposure of Doug Aube 13/6/2020
Doug Aube went to Myrtle Beach High class of 1980. NOW DOUG AUBE is an EXPOSED Public Faggot cocksucker and
SpermDumpster! Doug wears panties and gave up his manhood.
Doug is now a sissy and is available for men to use!
0 Commentaires, 5 Consultations,
0 Votes
Tired of Fake Profiles 5/6/2020
who are "looking for love". If those accounts
are fake then they are just stupid people. This isn't
tinder or plenty of fish lol
3 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
1 Votes
,5.00 Score |
Members with old or no pics. 2/6/2020
One guy I see a lot on this site has been using the same photos
for about 10 years. Many other members think it's okay
not to have a pic. If they were serious about hooking up again
someday they would keep things interesting by adding a
few photos. So is it really all that difficult to take a photo
and post it? You could use your phone, cam or digital camera
to do the trick. I personally ...
7 Commentaires, 48 Consultations,
4 Votes
,5.57 Score |
The Same Thing 1/6/2020
everyone is complaining about is site changes.
1 Commentaires, 4 Consultations,
0 Votes
fake brushing up ! :) 23/5/2020
sometimes, i video myself fake brushing ...
0 Commentaires, 16 Consultations,
2 Votes
,1.04 Score |
Fake Profiles 27/4/2020
TBH this initially is to earn but in my defense, I
used them up replying to the many flirts generated from
dmec.com fake user profiles. It's so obvious (at least after
a day or so) that every profile in my flirts were fake. That's
bad enough, but then you'll see those same fake profiles
on IM trying to get you to use more by either reaching
out to them or replying to their prompts. ...
2 Commentaires, 34 Consultations,
2 Votes
,4.50 Score |
So is this all hype or health risk? 25/3/2020
I heard this is serious and extended but I heard the deaths
are very low and my states only has 100ish confirmed cases,
how many people could be sick and not realize it? I believe
the odds are in our favor, what do ya'll think?
0 Commentaires, 0 Consultations,
0 Votes
Holy crap it is crazy these days! 23/3/2020
I have no idea what is going on! I feel like its all over reactions
but then I see something serious on TV and feel freaked out.
Not sure if I should be strict or have moments that are worth
going out to enjoy life. Hows about ya'll, do anything
at risk? Taking serious or all over reacting? I want to meet
people but who know what to do...
0 Commentaires, 0 Consultations,
0 Votes
Very sad state of affairs! 13/3/2020
Been on this site for a few years and have seen it go from something
with a bit of possible promise to a piece of pure crap! Seems
every day something else doesn't work or is restricted
to access! I am supposedly a "gold" member but
that seems to be somewhat debatable as I can't get the
flirt to work, Nore can I communicate with other members!
Broad cast doesn't work either! ...
10 Commentaires, 110 Consultations,
1 Votes
,2.40 Score |
REAL STATISTICS on dating sites -- 10/3/2020
Articles written by former professional dating coach
with a psychology degree in human behavioral studies.
We tend to be more analytical than most and willing to chronicle
our experience in hopes that other people have the same
interest in making the community better for all of us. <br><br>
The truly surprising part is that 30% to 70% of members on
ALL dating ...
0 Commentaires, 28 Consultations,
1 Votes
,5.00 Score |
POOR EMAIL & IM INTRODUCTIONS and why you should place effort in making them better! 5/3/2020
Lifestyle BLOG posting from a couple with a psychology
degree in human behavioral studies and a former professional
dating coach. <br><br>
We have written our blog posts truly hoping make this community
a better place through teaching others how offer quality
communication, interaction, and increasing the skills
necessary to be successful. <br><br>
A great way to ...
1 Commentaires, 26 Consultations,
1 Votes
,3.70 Score |
To the developers of this site make a system so that users cant build points up 21/2/2020
Can this site implement a way for members who have been here
for a while to get points without paying for them????? Everything
is capped at a certain point but there are no ways of actually
getting any points after maxing everything out. There
used to be more methods to get additional points but those
were disabled for some odd reason... Make the site more
enjoyable and interactive rather than ...
2 Commentaires, 51 Consultations,
3 Votes
,3.43 Score |
Ugh...fake people on here 16/2/2020
Not sure about you, but i'm tired of these fake accounts
the fact that they don't get removed (which is to be
expected i guess).
0 Commentaires, 27 Consultations,
2 Votes
,2.42 Score |
Strap-on And Pegging 12/2/2020
if you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to “peg”
your guy, you’re not alone. Prostate play is increasingly
becoming more popular thanks to the media portrayals (hi,
Broad City) and the idea of what a heteronormative sexual
relationship looks like changing. So whether it’s rimming,
fingering, or pegging, anal play is really not as taboo
as you may think—for women and men. ...
4 Commentaires, 63 Consultations,
6 Votes
,3.93 Score |
Pegging 12/2/2020
The first time a woman pegs a man, or a man allows a woman to
peg him, is going to be intense, nerve-wracking, and maybe
even emotional. <br><br>
Pegging requires an intense shift in power, which can open
the door for a lot of fun role playing scenarios if both people
are into it. But it's important to respect whatever
orientation your partner holds towards submission or ...
2 Commentaires, 22 Consultations,
1 Votes
,3.70 Score |
It's all about the... 11/2/2020
point, just the .....and nothing about the .
0 Commentaires, 26 Consultations,
3 Votes
what will you be wearing 11/2/2020
2 Commentaires, 28 Consultations,
2 Votes
,4.50 Score |
I find it hard to find hook up sites. 11/2/2020
I like to be impulsive but its hard to meet people these days.
I dont want to spend forever on date website or play "just
chatting" games. Im open to long term too but some
times I like to get in to good conversation and go for a meet
up. We are adults and plenty of safety factor in play. How
a bout you, what do you like? Know any good sites?
0 Commentaires, 0 Consultations,
0 Votes
Fake profiles reign while they punish standard members 10/2/2020
Every day I get flirts from fake profiles with gold memberships,
yet instead of removing those, they keep finding ways to
make it harder to use the site “for free” let’s be
real, it’s the internet so they’re still getting ad
money for all the banner ads on the webpage. Also before
the comments about just pay blah blah blah, I’ve had gold
before and it was cool when I had it but it’s ...
4 Commentaires, 63 Consultations,
7 Votes
,3.80 Score |
points point points 3/2/2020
points point points points point points points point points
points point points.
3 Commentaires, 12 Consultations,
0 Votes
Why is it, 3/2/2020
Why is it that even though you are a gold member on here , when
you click on too a members profile you still can not see there
whole profile and just see there photos . Is this right , or
am I doing something wrong when clicking onto a profile.
I'm getting very frustrated about it .
2 Commentaires, 18 Consultations,
1 Votes
,1.10 Score |
Where is the block button? 31/1/2020
A member on dmec.com keeps harassing me saying I keep looking
at their profile( maybe be stray mouse touches) which is
not true. Then I get a message saying they will make me eat
teeth! No matter where you go there has to be some wacko asshole
to make your life miserable. I reported the message to management
( is their any?), but no one has got back with me. If their
is a block button, let me know how ...
3 Commentaires, 27 Consultations,
1 Votes
,5.00 Score |
You may need to find yourself a "free" site where
they give you free reign to use all the site's features
at no cost. Oh, and let us know when you find one. <br><br>
Your lack of p0ints is "YOUR" personal problem.
Begging or expecting others to sponsor you or "GIVE"
you p0ints is a huge turn off and will most likely get you ...
8 Commentaires, 108 Consultations,
7 Votes
,4.31 Score |
Just another rant about this site - webcams 23/1/2020
Years ago (before the annoyance of the introduction of
the buzzmode mask), members cams were separate to paid-for
models cams and I appreciated the division very much. <br><br>
Now, the models are freely encroaching onto the members
WOMEN side to the point they're becoming the majority,
while openly enticing watchers to other platforms for
a "full show". ...
5 Commentaires, 60 Consultations,
5 Votes
,4.12 Score |
Surprise just need points 21/1/2020
Well go figure with this site everything need points. I
doubt they are making more money by doing this just losing
2 Commentaires, 33 Consultations,
7 Votes
,2.28 Score |
sexless marriage 21/1/2020
Living in a sexless marriage is something I never thought
would happen to me... I need advice, should I cheat? should
I not? jsut play and flirt online? or go the whole way...
how can I get her libido back, even therapy did not help...
can you help me?
9 Commentaires, 68 Consultations,
10 Votes
,3.98 Score |
more 20/1/2020
points points points points points points points points.
2 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
4 Votes
,0.92 Score |
points 20/1/2020
points pointspoints points points points points.
2 Commentaires, 11 Consultations,
4 Votes
,3.63 Score |
Well this is the one. 20/1/2020
Am pretty sure this is my last post i can do to earn .
So will either find another way. Or break down and get a membership.
3 Commentaires, 24 Consultations,
7 Votes
,1.51 Score |
What to do 20/1/2020
So what do you do when your put of and cant earn anymore
or afford to buy any? Hoe myself on a corner?
3 Commentaires, 30 Consultations,
3 Votes
,1.47 Score |
Just the way i feel 20/1/2020
Somedays you just feel like giving up on here. But then why
the hell not keep trying lol.
1 Commentaires, 8 Consultations,
2 Votes
,1.73 Score |
Days of old 20/1/2020
I miss the days of old. When things were easier here.
1 Commentaires, 12 Consultations,
5 Votes
,2.49 Score |
DICK pics....Are we interested? 19/1/2020
Lets set the stage. <br><br>
We have received literally thousands of IM and email messages
since we have been members that introduce themselves by
the following. <br><br>
We go to the profile only to find a one sentence description
of the person and multiple DICK pics. <br><br>
It should be known ...
4 Commentaires, 32 Consultations,
6 Votes
,4.50 Score |
No show , No contact , last miute cancellations 19/1/2020
Lifestyle BLOG posting from a couple with a psychology
degree in human behavioral studies and a former professional
dating coach. <br><br>
2019 <br><br>
This will be one of our shortest articles. <br><br>
We do a lot of work to set expectations , make plans, confirm
and reconfirm when trying to meet a new person-date , location
, & time to meet as well as ...
2 Commentaires, 21 Consultations,
5 Votes
,2.82 Score |
How to beat the point system 19/1/2020
There is always a way cheat, or beat the system, many have
tried, few successful. What have you done gather those
3 Commentaires, 40 Consultations,
8 Votes
,3.25 Score |
Pronoun trouble 19/1/2020
Ive noticed when i post a blog, that somehow many of the pronouns
I use dissapear. If writing a normal blog, people would
get the gist, but with my poetry, it loses a lot of its flavor.
Has anyone noticed this in their wrotings?
1 Commentaires, 4 Consultations,
1 Votes
,5.00 Score |
Posting for points 17/1/2020
They raised the and I let gold membership run
so I am
3 Commentaires, 16 Consultations,
7 Votes
,4.57 Score |
Why 16/1/2020
Why do chicks on here lead you on and back out fuckin pathetic
4 Commentaires, 24 Consultations,
4 Votes
,2.86 Score |
Why 16/1/2020
Why do chicks on here lead you on and back out fuckin pathetic
0 Commentaires, 6 Consultations,
3 Votes
,1.96 Score |
Points 16/1/2020
Yup, just one of those I need points posts
1 Commentaires, 7 Consultations,
2 Votes
,1.04 Score |
The end of my time on dmec.com 16/1/2020
Unfortunately, it looks like I'm reaching the end
of my time on dmec.com. I'm unable to buy and I'm
running of optoins to get free . I understand
the reasoning behind dmec.com doing this, and I actually applaud
them. It's only fair to reward those members that are
paying for the site. In any case, it's been quite a ride.
I've chatted with some amazing people. I've also ...
2 Commentaires, 14 Consultations,
4 Votes
,2.86 Score |
Brazilian waxing 15/1/2020
So why does hardly any cosmetology people do Brazilian
waxing. Plus they also charge males more why is this?
0 Commentaires, 4 Consultations,
4 Votes
,1.30 Score |
Dunno what to say other then 15/1/2020
I need points
0 Commentaires, 7 Consultations,
5 Votes
,1.19 Score |
be safe 15/1/2020
nothing wrong with having fun and the thrill of something
new and different from the norm is all good but BE SAFE, know
something about that Guy or Girl other than there first
name which may not even be real yes it's erotic for some
one to pull up and put it in or suck you off however it could
be a set up male/female life to short already no sense of
losing it over a nutt, or cum. I encourage ...
3 Commentaires, 27 Consultations,
9 Votes
,3.21 Score |
why does IM Not seem to work? 14/1/2020
why is it so many say IM does not work... it works for me...
but not always... any advice on this??
0 Commentaires, 21 Consultations,
12 Votes
,3.15 Score |
Points 14/1/2020
are points the number one rant and rave?
0 Commentaires, 2 Consultations,
1 Votes
,1.10 Score |
Scammers suck 14/1/2020
So I've joined almost every "hookup site"
out there, and gotten a few responses. They have all turned
out to be scammers from the Philippines. <br><br>
Things to watch out for: Immediately ask you for a photo Ask you to buy them a Steam Card to pay for cam time, even on
a free service like Hangouts Ask you to pay through Western Union to their "manager"
for ...
4 Commentaires, 21 Consultations,
3 Votes
,2.94 Score |
Does size matter 14/1/2020
So people always say size doesn’t matter it’s the notion
of the ocean?
1 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
3 Votes
,2.94 Score |
Points for Points For IM 13/1/2020
You would think that getting would be easy, just
post a article and the would start rolling
in and then I would be able to chat it up with someone on this
site using IM. The problem is that the are slow to
come in and sometimes you look up and you still have the same
of as when you began. which is 0. <br><br>
You find someone who's profile looks interesting
and you decide ...
3 Commentaires, 16 Consultations,
3 Votes
,2.94 Score |
More points please! 13/1/2020
and ways to get them
0 Commentaires, 1 Consultations,
0 Votes
its hard 12/1/2020
hard to get together on here
2 Commentaires, 15 Consultations,
6 Votes
,1.37 Score |
I NEED 10/1/2020
1 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
6 Votes
,2.51 Score |
Non paying members and IM 8/1/2020
Why do we have to be a buy points just to chat, this is sucks,
the 5 free chats were better IMO, what do you guys think?
7 Commentaires, 37 Consultations,
10 Votes
,4.38 Score |
to good to reply 8/1/2020
so ive got a rant or rave i have been on site for years and i
have only came across a woman a handful maybe two handfuls
of a times that when ive messaged anyhow that actually replied
back either saying yes im interested or no im not interested
how hard is that? i mean i try myself to answer no matter im
in or out of the idea at hand. please just a lil more respect
ok not all guys are womanizers ...
2 Commentaires, 25 Consultations,
9 Votes
,2.78 Score |
Lets Begin 8/1/2020
. Warmer Elicit how people in the country of learning
queue in different places. Ask students to discuss situations where they have
queued for a long time. Focus on feelings. How does queuing make you feel? How
do you feel if someone pushes in? 2. Presentation of language Complete adjective matching activity on worksheet.
Try to get students to use synonyms and antonyms in a ...
0 Commentaires, 3 Consultations,
1 Votes
,1.10 Score |
Rant 8/1/2020
Its a short rant what can I say, donate points 😘.
2 Commentaires, 14 Consultations,
9 Votes
,3.00 Score |
phonies and fags..oh my!! 7/1/2020
i get so frustrated trying to get some good cock.....so
many hits but hardly any action...love all positions...just
looking for somebody to fuck my brains out....why should
this be so hard???
5 Commentaires, 27 Consultations,
8 Votes
,1.39 Score |
Love em or hae em.. 6/1/2020
you need points!!
1 Commentaires, 6 Consultations,
3 Votes
,1.47 Score |
Points 5/1/2020
Just trying to get more points. I hate having to do this part.
Now everything is wanting more that before and when you
do try on IM most of the time it isn't even working!
3 Commentaires, 19 Consultations,
11 Votes
,1.67 Score |
Trolls 4/1/2020
Why are there so many hate spreading trolls on this site?
Do you need be that much of an asshole <br><br>
3 Commentaires, 28 Consultations,
12 Votes
,1.39 Score |
Hookup 4/1/2020
Why is every man on just looking for a hookup ? Why does every request start with are you horney? Umm if i was horney husband would be taking care of that
need..i dont need a random stranger fill that
need! <br><br>
Dick photo (unwanted) Um it says married so i dont need your dick
photo <br><br>
Get a fucking clue guys and try getting to know someone!
0 Commentaires, 30 Consultations,
16 Votes
,2.54 Score |
The chase for points 3/1/2020
It seems crazy to have to type an article about damn nearly
nothing just to get points in order to connect with local
members. Wouldn't a better business model involve
free communication to increase site traffic and then ads.
But hey. Here I am and here we are. Time to follow up this bs
article with another one of the like.
7 Commentaires, 35 Consultations,
14 Votes
,3.62 Score |
Continuous Improvement 3/1/2020
The typical approach to self-improvement is to set a large
goal, then try to take big leaps in order to accomplish the
goal in as little time as possible. While this may sound
good in theory, it often ends in burnout, frustration,
and failure. Instead, we should focus on continuous improvement
slowly and slightly adjusting our normal everyday habits
and behaviors.
0 Commentaires, 14 Consultations,
10 Votes
,2.59 Score |
Life Lessons 3/1/2020
One of the hardest things about improving your life is remembering
to practice what you've learned in a moment of temptation,
frustration, or hardship. Anyone can follow a strategy
as they read about it, but remembering to stick with it in
the real world is tough.
0 Commentaires, 7 Consultations,
7 Votes
,2.28 Score |
Motivation 3/1/2020
Motivation is a powerful, yet tricky beast. Sometimes
it is really easy to get motivated, and you find yourself
wrapped up in a whirlwind of excitement. Other times, it
is nearly impossible to figure out how to motivate yourself
and you're trapped in a death spiral of procrastination.
0 Commentaires, 11 Consultations,
7 Votes
,2.02 Score |
Grit 3/1/2020
Let's define grit. Grit is the perseverance and passion
to achieve long–term goals. Sometimes you will hear
grit referred to as mental toughness. Angela Duckworth,
a researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, suggests
that grit is a strong predictor of success and ability to
reach one's goals.
1 Commentaires, 14 Consultations,
9 Votes
,1.72 Score |
Focus 3/1/2020
Focus and concentration can be difficult to master. Sure,
most people want to learn how to improve focus and boost
concentration. But actually doing it? We live in a noisy
world and constant distractions can make focus difficult.
0 Commentaires, 6 Consultations,
6 Votes
,1.09 Score |
Seriously considering becoming Gold 2/1/2020
Perhaps havign unlimited Gold status for just one mnth
might be worth it. What do most of you think.
1 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
5 Votes
,1.84 Score |
Messenger Crashed on Me 2/1/2020
This really sucks. It crashed in the middle of a chat and
I didn't have points readily available. Thanks dmec.com
6 Commentaires, 22 Consultations,
10 Votes
,4.58 Score |
Where Are the Real Women 2/1/2020
Either thye don't want to chat, or they want pictures
wiht no follow up, or they set up a meeting and then are a no
show. This site is really becoming worthless. I am so glad
I haven't invested any moneyy in my membership.
4 Commentaires, 15 Consultations,
5 Votes
,4.77 Score |
Points and more point or just making a point 2/1/2020
Well folks I need point. Almost all out. But I want to make
a point. Would a bi top male with a 9" thick cock that
could host not rule the world. Opinions!
1 Commentaires, 8 Consultations,
4 Votes
,1.69 Score |
sending of points 2/1/2020
I had the good fortune of somebody sending me 1200 points
recently.... only 960 were credited.... does dmec.com take
points for sending points now?
6 Commentaires, 37 Consultations,
7 Votes
,3.55 Score |
She Stood Me Up But Is Still Here On IM 2/1/2020
Wow, the time came for us to meet and she was a no show. She
even deleted her email address. But she still has her profile
on dmec.com and she is on IM. I am looking forward to calling for
her out.
0 Commentaires, 1 Consultations,
1 Votes
Points 1/1/2020
Another rant about points. Even purchasing points is not
reliable! Only option is membership
1 Commentaires, 9 Consultations,
5 Votes
,3.14 Score |
being a point whore :) 30/12/2019
or maybe just a real whore. sometimes
3 Commentaires, 21 Consultations,
7 Votes
,4.82 Score |
Points 30/12/2019
Is it worth it to get more points?
1 Commentaires, 5 Consultations,
3 Votes
,1.96 Score |
points points points points points points points points. 30/12/2019
points points points points points points points points.
0 Commentaires, 2 Consultations,
2 Votes
,3.81 Score |
points points points points points points points points. 30/12/2019
points points points points points points points points.
0 Commentaires, 4 Consultations,
3 Votes
,3.92 Score |
points points points points points points points points. 30/12/2019
points points points points points points points points.
0 Commentaires, 2 Consultations,
1 Votes
,3.70 Score |
points points points points points points points points. 30/12/2019
points points points points points points points points.
0 Commentaires, 2 Consultations,
2 Votes
,3.81 Score |
points points points points points points points points. 30/12/2019
points points points points points points points points.
0 Commentaires, 2 Consultations,
2 Votes
,4.50 Score |
Still Trying - Opportunity For Points 30/12/2019
This posting, as meaningless as it is, at least has the value
of generating some points for me.
0 Commentaires, 1 Consultations,
1 Votes
,2.40 Score |
You sent your pic and then nothing 29/12/2019
Does this sound familiar. You sent them your pic and they
just disappear, not even the courtesy of saying they were
no longer interested.
0 Commentaires, 1 Consultations,
0 Votes
Tired 28/12/2019
of all the time wasters, fakes, trolls and point stealers.
0 Commentaires, 6 Consultations,
2 Votes
,3.12 Score |
Hate being 28/12/2019
outa points!!
0 Commentaires, 8 Consultations,
5 Votes
,2.49 Score |
Enjoy A strap-on dont make a man gay 27/12/2019
Get over yourself just becauae a guy likes a strap-on dont
make him gay or crazy for your straight dick so take off you
MAGA Ballcap and get a life
3 Commentaires, 31 Consultations,
14 Votes
,3.30 Score |
More points 27/12/2019
Posting for point. Its how it is. Yes for more
0 Commentaires, 6 Consultations,
6 Votes
,4.79 Score |
Points points 27/12/2019
Posting for point. Its how it is.
0 Commentaires, 5 Consultations,
4 Votes
,4.41 Score |
Why Not 26/12/2019
add the long list of complainers about the changes
the site lol.
0 Commentaires, 11 Consultations,
6 Votes
,3.08 Score |
Why Not 26/12/2019
add the long list of complainers about the changes
the site lol.
0 Commentaires, 8 Consultations,
7 Votes
,5.33 Score |
points points points points points points points points points points points. 23/12/2019
points points points points points points points points
points points points.
0 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
10 Votes
,4.78 Score |
points points points points points points points points points points points. 23/12/2019
points points points points points points points points
points points points.
1 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
6 Votes
,4.22 Score |
points points points points points points points points points points points. 23/12/2019
points points points points points points points points
points points points.
0 Commentaires, 5 Consultations,
4 Votes
,3.63 Score |
points points points points points points points points points points points. 23/12/2019
points points points points points points points points
points points points.
0 Commentaires, 8 Consultations,
8 Votes
,2.78 Score |
Arrrgh!! 23/12/2019
I need points!
0 Commentaires, 3 Consultations,
3 Votes
,4.41 Score |
ARRRGH! 22/12/2019
I need points!
0 Commentaires, 7 Consultations,
7 Votes
,3.80 Score |
Your wife knows your on here 21/12/2019
So if your wife knows your on and she is ok with you messing
around then why is it a problem for us meet her and you
cofirm this? <br><br>
I bet your wife does not know and your cheating on her! Hmmm
0 Commentaires, 29 Consultations,
16 Votes
,3.27 Score |
All the fake ads 19/12/2019
Seems like there are more fake ads then real ones lately
and they keep raising the points to IM why can't some
one fix all the fake ads
2 Commentaires, 21 Consultations,
10 Votes
,3.39 Score |
Women in my area 19/12/2019
The women in my area dont reply. I dont know why but it seems
easier for then to not reply instead of just saying no thank
you. The temptation of these beautiful women on this site
draw men from all over? Why is it so hard to find a close and
willing woman in my area? Seems more men are looking then
4 Commentaires, 27 Consultations,
13 Votes
,3.14 Score |
Why do so many men on here lists as couple for man, but really only want a m/m sex? 19/12/2019
I fine it simply repulsive that so many men on here just flat
out lies about who they really are and what they really want
from other men! Most men on here always put down that they
are a serious sexual couple that wants a third man to have
sex with them, but after you chat and sometimes even meet
for sex you find out that they only wanted a man all alone
to play with and worship their bodies and ...
2 Commentaires, 21 Consultations,
5 Votes
,2.82 Score |
Point collections 19/12/2019
The points system that this website run is not very well
planned. All they are thinking about is how to make more
buy there consumers. agrees???
0 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
11 Votes
,3.17 Score |
Wish there were 18/12/2019
more point activities
0 Commentaires, 5 Consultations,
4 Votes
,0.14 Score |
Yep. Here for the same 18/12/2019
Points points points. Its the name of tje game.
0 Commentaires, 2 Consultations,
0 Votes
Points 18/12/2019
Points are getting to be harder tk ckme by and more to get
anything out of it.
0 Commentaires, 6 Consultations,
4 Votes
,2.08 Score |
Sucking My Daddy 16/12/2019
Here is more of sucking my <br><br>
If you want to see more become a fan and send a frind invite
and be sure to tip [image]...
1 Commentaires, 37 Consultations,
20 Votes
,4.27 Score |
Fucked By Daddy 16/12/2019
Here is more of getting fucked by <br><br>
If you want to see more become a fan and send a frind invite
and be sure to tip [image]...
0 Commentaires, 33 Consultations,
17 Votes
,3.27 Score |
Points wasted on chat 16/12/2019
Now that there is no longer 3 free chats and it points
, we will only with select people on here or
those who tip to cover the point of the now
0 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
5 Votes
,4.12 Score |
Stupid Spam Bots <br><br>
This site wont let you read or on IM But they have no problem with letting bots spam you Even after these fake accounts keep getting reported and
they do nothing [Image] <br><br>
I think its best not allow comments on your media so they
cant spam people
3 Commentaires, 16 Consultations,
3 Votes
,2.45 Score |
Spammers from India 15/12/2019
? <br><br>
Wow cares about your thick cock <br><br>
? [image]...
1 Commentaires, 7 Consultations,
1 Votes
I hate running out of 15/12/2019
1 Commentaires, 5 Consultations,
2 Votes
,3.12 Score |
Plus Size Lingerie From Yandy 14/12/2019
is the plus size lingerie from yandy It fit's nice and very cute also It comes in a 1x/2x and a 3x/4x But thier panties run large so order 1 size smaller [image] <br><br>
Feel free a friend invite and become a top fan
1 Commentaires, 11 Consultations,
7 Votes
,4.06 Score |
Plus Size Lingerie 14/12/2019
is the plus size lingerie I ordered with the crotchless
panties from shien The lingeie fits nice and is not made cheap, lit looks
very cute [image] <br><br>
Feel free a friend invite and become a top fan
1 Commentaires, 18 Consultations,
10 Votes
,5.18 Score |
Plus size lingerie 14/12/2019
are the plus size crotchless panties from shien They fit nice, cute and dont roll down [image] <br><br>
Feel free a friend invite and become a top fan
1 Commentaires, 15 Consultations,
11 Votes
,4.85 Score |
New fans 14/12/2019
Thanks for the fans Your the reason i keep posting photos and video <br><br>
Soon i will start posting photos
1 Commentaires, 5 Consultations,
2 Votes
,3.81 Score |
Spam comments 14/12/2019
Wow really spam comments now These have a whole new low now [Image]...
1 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
4 Votes
,4.41 Score |
Guy used a female profile with fake photos 14/12/2019
We got a from what looked to be a bbw But it turns out it was an attached using a female
orofile to keep from being caught his spouse <br><br>
Wow really?
1 Commentaires, 9 Consultations,
5 Votes
,2.49 Score |
Free gold what happened 14/12/2019
now should have gotten a free gold but as of yet nothing
and still waiting
0 Commentaires, 6 Consultations,
4 Votes
,2.08 Score |
Men looking for blow jobs 🙄 13/12/2019
Anyone who asks whether I like oral in the first few questions
is not for me. Some men are more interested in being serviced
than in intercourse. "inter" being the important
part there. Oral & every other sex act happens organically. There
are no pre-determined list of sex acts! You're not looking for a woman but a prostitute
3 Commentaires, 30 Consultations,
7 Votes
,4.82 Score |
Daily thoughts 12/12/2019
I am sure tje new point system is troublesome for all. Now
points for each chat invite. It is becoming a bit much.
But it is what it is.
1 Commentaires, 9 Consultations,
5 Votes
,2.16 Score |
Fucking spammers 11/12/2019
1 Commentaires, 12 Consultations,
5 Votes
,3.47 Score |
Do people even bother to read 11/12/2019
Why is it when someone contacts you they usually start with
“what are you looking for” it’s funny because if
you read people’s profile you know what they are looking
for and you do to ask. Another one of my favorites is when
they ask you to do something that you clearly state in your
first sentence you do not do.
1 Commentaires, 15 Consultations,
5 Votes
,3.14 Score |
Why not be truthful 11/12/2019
Not understanding when a post says looking for xyz and you
chat back and forth for a while then last minute they say
they are married and cannot go thru with the plans. I don’t
get it why waste someone’s time like that.
1 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
7 Votes
,3.80 Score |
Point cost to chat on IM 11/12/2019
Wow now you have to spend 15 points to message someone No free chats anymore <br><br>
Sorry I wont pay for dmec.com ever but yet fake accounts get free
gold so they can spam you from India <br><br>
Like i care about how big your dick is in India...let me just
go jump on a plane because you have a big dick!
2 Commentaires, 16 Consultations,
6 Votes
,2.80 Score |
Messenger 11/12/2019
2 Commentaires, 14 Consultations,
8 Votes
,5.33 Score |
Points 11/12/2019
I see they increase the point value im someone now.
the tears are gonna start falling
0 Commentaires, 0 Consultations,
0 Votes
Flakes 11/12/2019
Why is it that it seems most people here are total flakes.
They talk a good game then when it’s time to meet they never
1 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
4 Votes
,4.41 Score |
15 POINTS! 11/12/2019
1 Commentaires, 3 Consultations,
1 Votes
Whats with people 10/12/2019
Why is this site so filled with fakes and flakes??? Does
anyone ever really meet on this site?
0 Commentaires, 9 Consultations,
6 Votes
,3.93 Score |
Cheaters suck 10/12/2019
Sorry but when someone tells me thier spouse does not know
it piss's me off. I have been cheated on and so has my
husband with his ex wife <br><br>
Then to make things more fucked up the guy his ex cheated
with (and knew she was married) and talked her into walking
out on 10 years and leaving everything behind even her cat
she had when my husband met her messaged us on here not ...
2 Commentaires, 23 Consultations,
10 Votes
,2.79 Score |
points points points points points points points points points points points points. 10/12/2019
points points points points points points points points
points points points points.
0 Commentaires, 6 Consultations,
5 Votes
,1.51 Score |
points 9/12/2019
points points points points points points points points
points points need more.
0 Commentaires, 1 Consultations,
1 Votes
,1.10 Score |
points 9/12/2019
points points points points points points points points
points points need more.
0 Commentaires, 1 Consultations,
1 Votes
,1.10 Score |
points 9/12/2019
points points points points points points points points
points points need more.
0 Commentaires, 1 Consultations,
1 Votes
,1.10 Score |
points 9/12/2019
points points points points points points points points
points points need more.
0 Commentaires, 3 Consultations,
2 Votes
,2.42 Score |
points 9/12/2019
points points points points points points points points
points points need more.
0 Commentaires, 4 Consultations,
3 Votes
,1.96 Score |
Food for thought..well beef jerky 8/12/2019
I love husbands home made beef jerky <br><br>
Its so damn good <br><br>
2 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
6 Votes
,1.09 Score |
Its sad when your only goal in life is to spead hate messages 8/12/2019
Seems like this guy among a handful of othere are only here
to spread hate twords BBW's, Trans and gay people.
Its sad when your only goal in life is to spead hate messages!
But its easy you just block his little dick having asshole
and move on
2 Commentaires, 17 Consultations,
9 Votes
,3.43 Score |
Ugh! dmec.com 8/12/2019
should give 0 pts for joining
1 Commentaires, 2 Consultations,
0 Votes
IM is junk 7/12/2019
Is it just ours or you can be knee deep in a instant message
and it just vanish... Is it something we are doing wrong???
5 Commentaires, 25 Consultations,
12 Votes
,3.51 Score |
Whats up with the fake porn clips 7/12/2019
Whats up with members putting clips from porn they downloaded
off the web on thier profile saying its them... <br><br>
Or the profiles with no photos or video's leaving rude
comments on peoples stuff they post... <br><br>
And all the spammers from india like i dont care how big you
think your dick is your in india, ,get a fucking clue!
0 Commentaires, 8 Consultations,
7 Votes
,3.04 Score |
The quick hookup 7/12/2019
It seems most guys if not all of them on here are looking for
the quick hookup <br><br>
The message go's sorta like this <br><br>
Them: Hi My reply : Hello Them: Wanna fuck! <br><br>
Guys does it work? How many get blocked? <br><br>
Maybe get to know someone , meet them in public? <br><br>
Maybe that would work!
3 Commentaires, 17 Consultations,
6 Votes
,3.37 Score |
Why do I try 7/12/2019
Is it the messenger or the people? I'll be talking to
someone on the messenger and after one or two sentences
they disappear... Wtf. It happens more often than not.
I don't want to believe that most women here make one
reply and leave. Is it the messenger?
3 Commentaires, 18 Consultations,
6 Votes
,3.93 Score |
What do you prefer? 6/12/2019
I'm about done with this site. Anyone have any suggestions
for an alternative?
0 Commentaires, 20 Consultations,
9 Votes
,2.36 Score |
Any bi men in Moline area 6/12/2019
Looking for masculine bi men in the Moline area. D&D
free clean and discreet looking for same.
0 Commentaires, 8 Consultations,
7 Votes
,3.04 Score |
dmec.com should 5/12/2019
Make it easier get points
0 Commentaires, 1 Consultations,
0 Votes
Why does no one chat? 5/12/2019
Why isn't anyone even chatting anymore? This site
used to have lots of people who would meet, let alone chat.
Now there isn't anyone.
6 Commentaires, 22 Consultations,
6 Votes
,3.65 Score |
Im not only one 4/12/2019
But al;ot of people are complaining on how many things are
broke on and need fixing..First we need fix the Im
and get more people in the chatrooms and also need add
better topic rooms and clean up the site.
0 Commentaires, 2 Consultations,
0 Votes
Couples, please stop doing this 4/12/2019
I've got plenty of messages from couples but a lot of
them tend be from the guy and never from the female. When
you are sending a message let it be known its the gentleman,
don't the female attract my attention. Also
is it hard post a photo?
2 Commentaires, 15 Consultations,
7 Votes
,3.04 Score |
dmec.com Should 4/12/2019
give 0 pts start
1 Commentaires, 6 Consultations,
2 Votes
,5.20 Score |
points. 3/12/2019
this points system is horrible. I hate it. why cant we just
3 Commentaires, 12 Consultations,
7 Votes
,4.82 Score |
dmec.com should give 3/12/2019
0 pts when joining
0 Commentaires, 0 Consultations,
0 Votes
Point Whores 2/12/2019
Since the whole point system has gone into effect, I have
noticed that some people have become point whores. The
comments and likes are insincere. I do laugh at the ones
that comment, "just here to get the points"
though. At least when I comment or like I am sincere.
4 Commentaires, 19 Consultations,
8 Votes
,3.01 Score |
Points 2/12/2019
I don’t mind that the site charges points for IM’s for
non-paying profiles but maybe they shouldn’t charge
the points unless the other person responds? Seems fair
since the IM is hit or miss anyways.
2 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
7 Votes
,4.82 Score |
Ugh!! 1/12/2019
I hate running low on points!!
1 Commentaires, 2 Consultations,
1 Votes
,1.10 Score |
SAY WHAT?????? 29/11/2019
Tonight after contacting customer service inquiring
about not being able to update our status we received the
following: <br><br>
Dear Member, <br><br>
Thank you for contacting us. <br><br>
We have recently received an abuse report traced to your
account showing that you have engaged in inappropriate
behavior which is a violation of our Terms of Use. ...
3 Commentaires, 29 Consultations,
7 Votes
,3.55 Score |
No thing is free 29/11/2019
What is free? There's no such thing as a free lunch.
Have your cake and eat it too? Asking for too much... Entitled
lot. Not even these points were free.
2 Commentaires, 8 Consultations,
4 Votes
,2.47 Score |
What I miss 29/11/2019
Yes, the site has seemed be going backwards. The points
issue is not bringing in people and is forcing them .
The site needs be updated: This I understand, but sometimes
the updates cost more than what was given when the good parts
are taken away. An example of this is your Hotlist. Your
hotlist used give tell you when a person had left or when
was the last time they were on the site. They ...
2 Commentaires, 24 Consultations,
9 Votes
,4.49 Score |
Status, Verified photo ect.,not working 29/11/2019
How many of you are having these problems? Seems like no
matter how many times we cust.serv. nothing seems
change.Not being able update status hinders
letting everyone know what your doing/wanting currently.Seems
like there is more problems on here everyday.
2 Commentaires, 15 Consultations,
6 Votes
,3.08 Score |
Ladies use to be free 29/11/2019
Why aren't ladies free anymore?
5 Commentaires, 21 Consultations,
6 Votes
,3.93 Score |
definite proof that you can't fix stupid or stop pure greed! 28/11/2019
If this site could get any more fucked up with its phony
profiles and falling on its ass providing services to
members it would be hard to believe ! The way its operating
now would make you think the fucked up democrats were in
! But then again maybe they are! Seems its all for
them and fuck the members! But you can bet your red
ass their going to modify and censor the living shit out
of this. ...
0 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
2 Votes
,1.04 Score |
Creating for points 28/11/2019
Just creating another article for points
1 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
3 Votes
,2.94 Score |
Points to send message. 27/11/2019
Why are you charged to send a message even if you get no response.
You should only be charged points for a message once it is
replied to.
2 Commentaires, 22 Consultations,
7 Votes
,4.57 Score |
0 Commentaires, 5 Consultations,
3 Votes
,2.45 Score |
1 Commentaires, 5 Consultations,
3 Votes
,2.94 Score |
Points 27/11/2019
0 Commentaires, 1 Consultations,
1 Votes
,2.40 Score |
Am tired 27/11/2019
I get we are all tired of the point thing. But it is what it
is. Deal move on.
1 Commentaires, 4 Consultations,
1 Votes
,3.70 Score |
Meeting 26/11/2019
Has anyone met anyone from here. I have been on for awhile
and have not met anyone. I think most are fake or just here
to play games.
1 Commentaires, 14 Consultations,
6 Votes
,3.93 Score |
Foreplay 26/11/2019
I Love pussy, i love eating , licking , fingering and toying
with it the best, Foreplay is amazing when you just love
to go down on the pussy and make love to it with your mouth,
feel the inside of it with your fingers, as it gets wetter,
tighter, swollen and when it cums and squirts, Love the
moans and facial expresions. Never have sex without great
foreplay first, well unless you feel ...
0 Commentaires, 7 Consultations,
4 Votes
,1.30 Score |
Paying points for watching broadcasts 26/11/2019
I have paid 20 points at least 10 times to watch a member broadcast
and they have never come in or they stop broadcast before
you enter. Is anyone else losing a lot of points here and
not seeing broadcasts. You should not be charged unless
you can view the broadcast for at least 5 minutes.
0 Commentaires, 4 Consultations,
3 Votes
,1.96 Score |
I hate when 26/11/2019
all my points are gone .. Dont you?
1 Commentaires, 3 Consultations,
2 Votes
,2.42 Score |
Points 26/11/2019
This sight says you can earn points by up loading pics or
comments on posts or posting articles and then they show
you points you earn by taking part in in then they have only
give you have points...wtf
0 Commentaires, 3 Consultations,
2 Votes
,1.04 Score |
Searching for that someone 25/11/2019
Why is she so hard to find. The good one are too far or gold
diggin. Need to catch a break here soon...
1 Commentaires, 6 Consultations,
3 Votes
,3.43 Score |
Points 25/11/2019
How ridiculous this points thing. I've been on dmec.com
for years. They just seem to be slowly removing features
and making standard members . Grandfather me in!
0 Commentaires, 4 Consultations,
4 Votes
,2.86 Score |
Points points points points points points points points points points points 24/11/2019
Points points points points points points points points
points points points
0 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
5 Votes
,2.82 Score |
Points points points points points points points points points points points 24/11/2019
Points points points points points points points points
points points points
0 Commentaires, 7 Consultations,
6 Votes
,1.94 Score |
points 24/11/2019
Points points points points points points points points
points points points
0 Commentaires, 1 Consultations,
1 Votes
,1.10 Score |
dmec.com Should 24/11/2019
start you with 0 points at least!!
1 Commentaires, 5 Consultations,
2 Votes
,2.42 Score |
Chatrooms 23/11/2019
Going in to a chatroom, and say hello, it seems in many of
these rooms there are cliques, and dont greet you back.
One time i said hello 3 times, no response. Not exactly welcoming.
2 Commentaires, 15 Consultations,
6 Votes
,1.66 Score |
small size, i want feel inside and natural cum 23/11/2019
Hi <br><br>
I am a yong girl, looking for a real guy makes me cum a lots
im very cute, super sexual, i want fuck and make weet with
mi juice your hard dick my pussy is tight but if you make me feel i can take all your cum and squirt all of you i like oral sex, all natural, milk, big and hard idck make
me come i you
2 Commentaires, 25 Consultations,
11 Votes
,0.74 Score |
Are older women scared of younger guys 22/11/2019
So I’ve been living in a rural town in no where NH (originally
from city) but I’ve noticed most older women simple want
to talk to younger and that is all although the conversation
are often sexual thing usually dot. Pan out. Lol so I’m
here to rant and pose the question are you ladies scared
4 Commentaires, 20 Consultations,
8 Votes
,2.78 Score |
Whats up with online BS 22/11/2019
Why is it so hard these days? Fakes and flakes! Is dmec.com getting
better or worse? Used be free ! What do you all think?
2 Commentaires, 14 Consultations,
6 Votes
,2.23 Score |
Ugh!!! 21/11/2019
Im outa points!!
0 Commentaires, 0 Consultations,
0 Votes
Points and Fakes 20/11/2019
When you waste points on a fake and turn them in, you should
get your points back.
2 Commentaires, 16 Consultations,
8 Votes
,3.94 Score |
testing 19/11/2019
ignore this post
1 Commentaires, 8 Consultations,
6 Votes
,0.52 Score |
BBW 69 19/11/2019
I personally LOVE BBWs. I also love everything about going
down and putting my lips and tongue on a nice clean pussy.
It's like the best tongue kissing ever in a way. I love
eating pussy so much that I'd rather 69 than just receive
oral alone. Problem is when I'm with a BBW they almost
always don't want to because they say I won't be
able to breathe, they don't want to ...
4 Commentaires, 30 Consultations,
11 Votes
,3.17 Score |
Real or fake 19/11/2019
Why is it so hard on here to hookup. I'll tell u u cuz u
have real and u have fakes. The problem is fakes ruin on the
real people. If u say u want to do things then do them. If u
have plan on hooking up then show. Really people quit being
fake. It really not that hard.
5 Commentaires, 30 Consultations,
16 Votes
,2.25 Score |
Everything costs 18/11/2019
too many points!!!
2 Commentaires, 16 Consultations,
11 Votes
,3.73 Score |
Tired 18/11/2019
of being solicited by people I clearly state i'm not
interested in
0 Commentaires, 5 Consultations,
3 Votes
,0.98 Score |
Point system 17/11/2019
I'm finding it difficult answer people's IMs.
It was different when I first came the site. It
be 3 IMs for stadard members each day. Now there is a point
system. Some people contacting me are gol members, but
I can't answer with no points. Frustrating. Going
gold, I guess...
4 Commentaires, 22 Consultations,
10 Votes
,2.39 Score |
Why does no one reply to IM 17/11/2019
I sitting here just using points IM ppl and no replies
if anything just say fuck if or something lol
4 Commentaires, 18 Consultations,
7 Votes
,3.55 Score |
Are there any bi guys in the Quad cities. 17/11/2019
I have been on this site for 7 months and have not come across
another bi yet. Are people looking to meet up on here,
it seems they just want to play games. If your a clean discreet
bi please get a hold of me.
0 Commentaires, 8 Consultations,
6 Votes
,2.23 Score |
Points 17/11/2019
Just here for points.....
3 Commentaires, 11 Consultations,
3 Votes
,1.96 Score |
Sex Addict :) 16/11/2019
I am a proper sex addict, i can have sex with women all day
and night, is this normal... Are there any other people
the as on here ? Would love find you guys
0 Commentaires, 6 Consultations,
6 Votes
,2.23 Score |